Thursday 1 November 2012

Research: Werewolves In Film

As seen from my previous posts I was leaning towards making a movie of the fantasy Horror genre. A world that knows things that go bump in the night do exist. The only thing that was left to decide is what creature to recreate within the film and the sequence in particular. I have chosen to go with werewolves for a number of reasons. It will allow an aspect of creative freedom when I design my monster, whereas with something like a Vampire that isn't much that you can change in terms of what we know about them; The only manipulation to be had would be with their eyes and mouth, nothing the audience won't expect. With a werewolf on the other hand there are so many interpretations of what they look like and what they're shape-shifting abilities are that it allows some leeway into creating something unique.

Teen Wolf (1985)
D: Rod Daniel
Werewolf: Michael J Fox
In this movie Scott Howard one day transforms into a werewolf, because of a hereditary defect in his family. This film is classed as a Family Comedy. Explaining why the werewolf looks more like a giant friendly monkey than anything to be scared of.

Twilight Saga; New Moon (2009)
D: Chris Weitz
Werewolf: CGI
In a town already over populated with Vampires a Werewolf infestation also takes place. We see the character in human form a lot so there's an emotional attachment. It wouldn't make sense to make the transformed state something to be scared of, thus we end up with an oversized semi aggressive dog.

Van Helsing (2004)
D: Stephen Sommers
Werewolf: CGI
Though the werewolves depicted in this action horror movie or CGI it gives a different variation from the previous two. Almost a cross between the two. Obviously more fearful and more in the direction of something I'm looking for. An Unshaven Wrestler in a Halloween mask.

Other Werewolves in Film seem to be all done with CGI....

Underworld (2003)
D: Len Wiseman
Frostbitten Werewolf

Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)
D: Alfonso Cuaron
Starved Hyena Hybrid Werewolf

.........I unfortunately don't have that luxury. Films are big budget so the monsters they create only have to be around for a short while, but if you wanted to create a monster in Television then you have to be more careful with how much CGI you use not only for budgetary reasons but so believability in the long term with your audience. That I think that is where I need to get my inspiration from.

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