Saturday 17 November 2012

Lesson: Filming the uncanny

In todays lesson we finally got round to filming our uncanny piece with the help on the cinematography class.
When we got into the studio, someone had tidied up our set probably mistakenly thinking that we didn't mean to leave it looking like a mess. We didnt have time to get it back looking as we last left it so we had to make do and make sure that the camera focused on the corner where all the acting would be taking place.
Although the shots that needed to be filmed were very basic, it took a lot longer than expected, this is due to the lights needing to be set up with every shot.

Jacob was our actor as he was handling the pigs heart, first we got him to try and look a little dirty and gresy as he was after all living in a hovel  then I celotaped a ziplock bag to his chest which we then filled with a little fake blood before inserting the heart. As Jacob would be sitting down for the whole of production it we didn't have to worry about the bag and heart falling out. I was director so stayed close to the camera and made sure the shots were the right angle and keeping an eye to show no props were being shown (Gaffe tape inside shirt etc). Sadly because there were only 3 people in our group including Jacob the Producer who was acting in the piece I didn't get more than a glance at what the "Mirror Group" were filming as I had to be on set at all times. From was I did see it looked like everything was going exactly to plan and the actress they were using looked like she was doing a decent job.

Overall  though the filming went relatively smoothly, the "Heart Out Of Chest" bit was a lot more simple to achieve than was originally assumed especially as we didn't get to use the heart that I had made in the previous session. I think it would have been nicer to have had a few more complicated barriers to creatively realise.

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