Wednesday 31 October 2012

Academic Research: Things That Go Bump In The Night

Whilst deciding upon the monster that I wanted to create I came upon this quote; Either way, the attraction of horror derives from its appeal to the 'beast' concealed within the superficially civilized human. (Tudor, 2010, p.48)
This quote got me thinking about the kinds of monsters that this generation has become unfazed by, this ranges from Bigfoot on Harry and The Hendersons (William Dear, 1987) to the more obvious Twilight franchise. Bigfoot acted humane and thus this legendary beast became a loveable household character and the same can be said for the so called monsters in the Twilight franchise.

I aim to make my monster someone to be reckoned with and what can be derived from the quote by Tudor is that; if I was to look at creating a beast that is despicable in its's human form it would garter no sympathy from the audience in it's monstrous form. Thus giving the monster back its power to hold fear over the audience.

The chapter goes on further to say;  Along with  narrative  tension, which is an expectation audiences  have  of  every  kind of horror movie, horror fans also clearly expect monstrosity, though in quite what form is open to question. The genre encompasses everything from monsters present only by suggestion or inference through to graphic portrayals of monstrous creatures and the excesses of their depredations, while audience responses run the gamut from repulsion through ambivalent 
fascination and on to self-conscious, knowing humour. (Tudor, 2010, p.50) 

My interpretation of this text is that the way I choose to express my monster, whether it be going full on "oldschool" by which I mean adding in every detail down to a T. To "New Age" suggestive hints of the beast whereby less is more, it will have a different effect on different members of the audience because though they may all be fans of the horror genre they have different specifications to what that entails and there's no way to gauge such a thing. Therefore I should go about creating whatever beast I feel most comfortable with as there is no way it will please every watcher.

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