Saturday 10 November 2012

Research: Creating The Monster

In my previous post about Transformation we have seen me research into the various props I could acquire to create the monster but I felt that as well as that it may be beneficial to scour the interweb and find people who have done it themselves on budget and to see if I could maybe find how they create the effect on various films and TV sequences....

I think this look was very powerful especially seeing how easy it was to create, this also confirmed my idea about using acrylic nails for the claws. Something I didn't consider is that I could use nail clippers to help me mould the shape. Also I forgot that it doesn't have to be perfect, in fact the more rugged and raw the better. The only downside from this video is that she was female and that my main werewolf character is male.

This video on the other hand was at a major professional level but I felt using the werewolf prosthetic would be risky as I wouldn't be using an expert and though I could essentially do it myself or find another member of the team to I think it's just to overkill for the sophisticated werewolf look I was going for. Although the videos maker does have a website with a range of fake wounds and monster transformation effects that I found very interesting because of how real they looked. It is a little pricey but if I could get the effects just like the pictures then I think it would be worth it, especially if I ever need to create any gaping wounds or scarring.

I think that both videos have given me sufficient information so that I could use them as a step by step guide if need be.

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