Monday 5 November 2012

Research: Plot Idea

Based on my ideas about setting the scene in the 18th Century and involving the supernatural elements of Werewolves I have come up with a film idea, and most importantly a sequence that will best highlight these elements.

After watching her father be murdered by a group of men who she assumes are demons by their oddly coloured eyes, Annabeth, who was hidden from view during the murder, has to make a break for it. It’s not easy as this involves running through the labyrinth that is her house and the thick wooded area behind it before she even has a shot of reaching some form of safety from her supernatural predators…

The sequence is kept relatively short and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes of screen time. 

Characters needed... 
-Her Father
-The lead Werewolf 
-Two lackies.
It will involve two major speaking characters though the dialogue will be kept to a minimum, and a few words from the subsidiary characters.

Location would involve....
-An establishing shot of a 18th century styled mansion
-An office decorated in the fashion of the era
-A few corridors
-A back door to escape from
-A forest.

Once more of the sequence idea has been established I will be able to make a prop list for Art direction purposes.

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