Wednesday 7 November 2012

Lesson: Set Creation Part One

In todays session we started to create the backdrop for our individual sets.

The uncanny piece we're working on is set in the bedroom of a messy student/young person. After the boards were put up to give a two wall space for us to create our scene, we proceeded to paint the space white, as this was the easiest colour to make look dingy. Once the painting had been done and dried we used watered down acrylic paint to give dirt marks all around the set. Then we added a dirty carpet to the set to give it that homely look. The set still looked quite sparse so then I had the idea to have messages around the walls to give it a more student-y feel.

After that we called it a day and decided to bring in props for our next session.

Seeing how easy it was to find various items such as carpet, wallpaper and paint and just jump in there and create something was very inspiring.
This session was very useful as it has started to give me an idea for how I would go about creating the office space that I need for my sequential idea.

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