Tuesday 16 October 2012

Research: List Of Ideas... Slowly Forming A Subject....

In order to help me decide what short film Idea I wanted to create I considered the type of film I would be interested in making by basically just thinking about all the best type of films I had seen and what would happen if I just put aspects of them all together

Olden Time/Period Films.... Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Pride and Prejudice, The Duchess

This would just help me to set the scene and help form the basis for the short film piece.

Real Time Slow Motion.... The Matrix, 300

I like the idea of how some characters are going at normal pace whilst others have slowed down and its all happening within the same space so it doesn't just look like it has been manipulated later in post when really it has.

Moving Sets..... Requiem For A Dream, Anna Karenina

In Requiem for a dream they filmed a sequence that, by using lighting made it seemed like a whole day had past, all of which was done in one take, The idea of changing the space or time in a single shot is something I would like to achieve.

Make Up.... The Hunger Games, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban
The transformation from man to beast, which was made possible not only by the use of animatronics and green screen and editing, but had a lot to do with the make up in order to give it a more realistic effect.

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