Friday 5 October 2012

Research: Movies That Come To Mind When You Hear: Challenging Visual Effects

Anna Karenina (2012) D: Joe Wright
This movie was filmed in a theatrical form, whereby one scene in a room would be changed to another room during one long camera take. It was asethetically pleasing to watch and though effects weren't particularly striking or shocking to the eye I do think it would be quite challenging to create. Espeially in terms of set design/art direction.

The Matrix (1999) D: Andy WachowskiThe first picture indicates one of the first things that comes to mind when someone yells MATRIX! Bending your body to defy gravity in an almost seamless fashion whilst still managing to look cool. In a student production this would prove incredibly difficult without the use of bungee cords and body stabilisers. The same thing can be said for the second picture where two principle characters are suspended in the air as the camera does a 360 degree spin. This would be more achieveable in a low budget film if the characters were on the ground.

The list of films that involved challenging visual effects could go on, ranging from Back to the Future to Jurassic Park. But in order to help me narrow down what I would want to create it's important to consider what grabs my attention when I'm watching a major motion picture, a short film or an installation....

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