Friday 19 October 2012

Lesson: Tools Of The Trade/Heartache

In the session we had a tutorial on how to use electric tools such as a drill and a jigsaw, as well as more  basic ones like a chisel and a hammer.

Before the lesson I met up with two other members of the group where we further continued to discuss our idea and what we had to individually produce as part of our roles. Johnny is our Art Director and Jacob in the Producer while I elected myself as Director.
We made a list of the props we would need i.e: Empty Beer cans and junk food packets/containers as well as getting a rough idea of what we wanted the set to look like. As there would be no dialogue a shot list will be written up as an alternative. This will also be useful when we have the session with the Cinematographers.

I was watching an episode of Supernatural (Season 8 Episode 3 - Heartache D: Jenson Ackles 2012) and in this episode they showed a range of people getting their hearts ripped out of their chest.

I noticed that they were happy to show the villains hands in the victims chest as that is easy enough to achieve through green screen, but you can still see the element of computer generation (First Picture Set). There was only one instance where they actually showed the motion taken place. This was done as a side angle (Second Set) and I noticed that because of the mans shirt, the actual heart being removed from his chest is obstructed. Because the motion is so fast we the viewer don't really think about it, and we don't realise we haven't actually seen it even though it feels like we have until we de-construct the scene.

This gives me the idea for when we make our piece, to make the lead character wear an open shirt and to make the motion swift as to cause an emotion reaction in the audience so they are less unaware of the mechanics behind it.

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